
ppt主题有哪些 2023-02-17 views 0


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1、保护野生动物,不打鸟,不捉蛇,不捉青蛙。Protect wildlife from birds, snakes and frogs.

2、动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。Animals are close friends of human beings, and human beings are trusted partners of animals.

3、动物有难时热心救一把,动物自由时切莫帮倒忙。Animals are eager to help when they are in trouble, but they must not help when they are free.

4、不要让我们的孩子只能在博物馆里才见到今天的动物。Don't let our children see today's animals only in museums.

5、每一个生命都值得尊重,请爱护动物。Every life deserves respect. Please love animals.

6、保护流浪的小动物。Treat wandering small animals to protect.

7、动物是人类的朋友,请爱护它吧!爱护动物人人有责。Animals are friends of human beings. Please take care of them. It is everyone's duty to love animals

8、万物之灵之首,应负万物之灵之责!The head of the soul of all things should be held responsible for everything.

9、尽量少用杀虫剂,除草剂等化学药品。Use pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals as little as possible.

10、野生动物如此多娇,引无数英雄尽眼红。Wildlife is so charming that countless heroes are agog at it.








Endangered animals are a precious and irreplaceable, renewable natural resources, in maintaining ecological balance, promoting economic development, to meet the people's growing material and cultural needs, developing external relations, improve the socialist spiritual civilization has played a an important role. ?

1, maintaining the ecological balance

Second, scientific research and education activities to ensure the normal conduct of

Third, the promotion of economic development, to meet the needs of the people's livelihood

Protection of endangered animals is to sustainable use of endangered species


There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . It's wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.

The most important thing of learning English language is the approach.

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1、 have a good attitude. Animals are humans good friends! Even though it was ferocious tiger, or malevolent snakes, is an important part of the ecological balance, human survival and they are closely related, it is good I all right!

2、 adopt scientific methods to protect them. Use the method of science for long-term planning, system protection.

3、 use legal methods. Sanctuaries, banning, fasting wild animals! This respect our law is not a lot, but with very good implementation. Say a sentence not infrastructures, wild animals price is very expensive, common people if caught also wont eat, will sell it. And some senior hotel, senior restaurant is often the biggest client! Countries should strengthen to some senior entertainment, the supervision and administration of consumer place!

4、 strengthen the protection of wild animals propaganda, activity, popularize knowledge







Many animals are in danger of dying out. As is shownin the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster andfaster and this trend will continue. From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 millionanimal species have disappeared. Worse still, more and more wild animals are ingreat danger. It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harshreality. Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future.


From the second picture, we can find some reasons. Whyis the number of animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals havebecome victims of fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to makefashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedypeople begin to kill animals in a large quantity. This irresponsible behaviornot only breaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environmentof human beings.


As far as Iam concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. We believe"no buying, no killing". First, we must make concerning laws toprotect these animals in danger. Second, we must take some measures to protectanimals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our environment. Third,we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and our environment. Inthis way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainabledevelopment.




There are many wild animals in danger all over the world,such as tigers and pandas.We cut down so many trees that many wild animals lost their homes.Some people even kill animals in order to sell their fur for money.

We are not alone in the world.Animals are our friends.We can not live without them.So protecting wild animals is very important.

I think everyone should do something to protect wild animals.For example,we can set up more natural reserves and plant more trees.


Recently, our efforts to protect wild animals was questioned by the public, because the news is keep reporting that more and more wild animals was killed by human beings, especially the very precious one. Innocent animals was dead for their meat, fur and tooth, it was just used to fill up human beings desire. In my point of view, the wild animals were protected effectively still has a long way to go.


Firstly, people should try harder to make a better place for animals. The land where the wild animals live was deprived by human being. For hundreds years, people cut the trees to make land for their living and farming, wild animals homeland was took, they have no choice but run away. What is more, human beings break the food link in nature; wild animals can not find enough food to keep alive. There is no doubt that the destruction of nature has become a big problem to kill wild animal, for instance, a polar bear was starved to death because of the greenhouse effect, the ice was melt away, the seadog and fish that polar bear like to eat are far away from them. For those reasons, people should protect the environment first if they want to protect wild animals effectively.


Second, no buying, no killing. Some rich people like to wear fur coat, they treat it as a status symbol, especially for rich woman, they think animal fur is beautiful and warm, they will never consider that the fur they wear for years is the skin that animal wear for their whole life, and they knew how bloody when people took the fur from animal but they choose to ignore it. If people do not buy the fur and tooth, lots of wild animals will be survived.


In sum, wild animals are our friends, we should give back and protect their homeland, and stop buying their body part, or our future generations will see them in zoo and museum.



1.learn about endangered animals in the area2.dont buy products made from endangered animals3.report any hunting of endangered animals4.protect the homes of endangered animals.5.we should stop people from cutting down trees.6.we must try our best to protect the environment.7.government should create more nature reserves and forest protection programs.





Many wild animals are in danger of extinction because their environment has changed a lot. For example, with the development of cities, the use of pesticides and serious pollution, their living areas become more and more narrow. At the same time, they are also facing food crisis.

Human beings kill species only to obtain their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat, and reserve land for endangered animals. There are only so many land on earth, so what we can do is limited Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should be put first. Others think that some land should be set aside for endangered animals.

I think we should reserve some land for the worlds animals for the following reasons: first, the demand for land by human beings is growing. If this demand is not curbed in some way, human beings will eventually develop all the available land on the earth at that time. There will be no more space for human beings to grow, and all wild animals and other valuable resources will disappear.

Second, humans can innovate and use the land they already own in a more efficient way. Once their land is taken away, they will continue to survive. Endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our planet.

If they disappear, we cant predict what impact they will have. Therefore, we should protect these animals as a valuable resource. Endangered animals in the world are an important resource, and we should protect them through the following measures They set aside some land to protect them.

Although the demand for land is growing, people have enough wisdom and creativity to make better use of the land they own. In this way, we can have enough land for agriculture, housing and industry, and protect biodiversity at the same time.









To protect animals, everyone duty! This shouldnt be a slogan, but a word should be deeply impressed all people in the heart of a wake-up call.

Once upon a time there was a first grade elementary student xiao Ming and his father go hunting outside every day, dont have time to study. As a result, his grades have been bad. Every night, his father will be to capture a few animals.

His father to kill animals, xiao Ming is very sad. "Dad, dont kill animals again, you know how to kill animals is a serious matter? This will destroy the food chain, in the end, the damaged or we ah!" Xiao Ming said. His father stern said "so little know what? You have some time to get it! Your grade if you dont hunt, what to eat? How to send you to school?"

Xiao Ming said that "every time that I study hard, get a scholarship, you dont hunt?" "Yes, as long as your scholarship, I dont hunt" from then on, xiao Ming is to study hard every day. Sure enough, in junior high school of time when school promised as long as he won first place in the examination will give him a scholarship. His father also keep your promise, no longer hunt.

Even a first grade of primary school children know the truth, isnt so much the hunter is in doubt? Has it ever occurred to you, if you are an animal, human will kill you without a reason, would you be willing to? It must be thousands would not! As the saying goes "do as you would be done by." You dont like, that the animals would be willing to?

Because hunting, are now extinct, how many kinds of animals do you know? Already 800, the number looks small, but add up the number of each type of animal, you know how much is it? Have you had? Destroy the food chain, is no good to human beings.

Animals are priceless treasure for human nature, all animals are humans good friends, why cant harmonious to get along in the same home? Their survival and our survival, have a close relationship. From now on, start from around each of us, to protect the animals together!









Alligator is my specialty animals, has been endangered.


China has made it a national-level protected animals.


Alligator body about 2 meters, like a big lizard.


Beak length, which long with sharp teeth.


Back dark brown, some dark green, abdomen gray, the skin is covered with large

scales, like heavily armed the same.


It is thick limbs, tail, skills, and their long-even more than the head and body length combined.


People have alligator known as the "living fossil" because it was two billion years

ago, the dinosaur era to exist, due to changes in the environment, extinction of

dinosaurs and other reptiles, while the Chinese alligator has been continued to this day.


In the Chinese alligator body, still can be found in dinosaurs and other reptiles, many of the features.


Today, people study the dinosaurs, in addition to dinosaur fossils, according to

other, often used to infer dinosaur alligators living habits.


Therefore, the Chinese alligator for people to study the rise and fall of ancient

reptiles, and studies of ancient geology, biological evolution, there is significance.





ppt怎么做 2024-03-14 阅读1 评论0
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