
admin 2022-11-06 views 0


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There are two kinds of hero in the world. One is popular hero, the other is lonely hero, Kobe belongs to the second one. 81pts in one game, 62pts in three quarters, 40+pts in seven consecutive games, all that are created by Kobe Bryant, a controversial figure.

Some people think that Lobe is a selfish and arrogant man, because he doesn’t often passes to the others players and always shot at his own will. But, I think, he is very wise and courageous. He doesn’t pass ball because his companions aren’t able to offer him enough help. In the face of this condition, he can only choose this way, which is only one person without the others help, especially in 2003-2004 season, it was seems that all of the world people hated Kobe very much because of his rape case. Although this case was proved to be untrue, it had an enormous effect on Kobe, he became reticently and he even to give up basketball. But, thanks to his family and friends, he recovered his feet again and became more and more active. Now, he shoots exactly and he break through quickly, so in this season, he became the highest man in NBA and he led the Los Angeles Lakers came into the playoffs.

In a word, mountains don’t scare me, the lack of mountains scare me.


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